Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Bravo! Brashear 2016

Sometimes we get dressed to the nines and spend time with other adults! We want to share with you a wonderful event of such nature. On October 27, 2016, partners and organizations gathered to commemorate The Brashear Association's 99 years of service at the LeMont  restaurant in Mt. Washington. Although we dearly missed the kids, we brought along some things of theirs to remind all attendees of their important presence in our work.

Brashear Kids created up-cycled centerpieces for the event.  The 27 centerpieces celebrated what our kids here at ALEC love about the hilltop; seen through their eyes!  Brashear Kids were elated to have their masterpieces on display for all to see.  Our centerpiece depicting the Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Knoxville was excitedly taken by their previous librarian.  Staff and kids here at the Allentown Learning and Engagement Center were happy to hear that the centerpieces were a hit!

How awesome are these Hilltop houses and landmarks?!

Featured: Grandview Elementary school (bottom left) and Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh Knoxville (bottom right).

Program from Bravo! Brashear listing an abbreviated list of donors, sponsors, & supporters present.

Annually, the community service award is given by The Brashear Association to an individual or organization that embodies dedication to the community.  This year, the community service award was presented to the Hilltop Alliance.  Their mission is to preserve and create assets in the Hilltop community through collaboration and coordination of resources.  The Brashear Association has been involved with the Hilltop Alliance since it's inception.

The weather was dreary, but spirits were certainly up!

In addition, the Charles & Georgina Peters scholarship is awarded to an agency participant or volunteer who best exemplifies a commitment to community service and who demonstrates outstanding leadership qualities.  This year, that scholarship was eagerly awarded to Brandi Law; an aspiring nurse.  As stated in Ms. Law's scholarship application, her "ultimate goal is to become self-sufficient for my children so they can have a better life and education without limits".  Best of luck, Brandi; we have no doubt that you will achieve your goals!

From left to right: Shannon (Duquesne University program aide at ALEC), Dianna (ALEC site coordinator), and Anna (ALEC 4th & 5th grade teacher).

Above: One of our students designed an interactive house with directions!

Dianna and Alyce (ALEC 2nd & 3rd grade teacher) take a selfie!

A special thank you to supporters, donors, and friends for attending Bravo! Brashear 2016 and supporting The Brashear Association's mission to empower families and communities in South Pittsburgh.  Lastly, thank you to LeMont Restaurant staff for extraordinary service.

- Anna & Alyce

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