Wednesday, October 7, 2015

You Can Do WHAT With Science?!

Hello again!  If you are anything like myself, you have probably pondered how secret agents and spies write messages with invisible ink, or else you might have wondered (more recently perhaps) how a 3D printer works and what it can make.  In our latest edition of Science Tuesday, our kids were able to explore these two subjects.

Our guest for the day was John Miklos, one of last year's class teachers at the after school program.  He is currently serving through KEYS Service Corps (a fellow member!) at the Hilltop YMCA.  For his presentation he brought in some objects created using a 3D printer.  The kids quickly gained interest as they were able to watch short videos of a 3D printer creating very unique objects, such as a gyrosphere.  

After they had watched a few videos, John instructed them to draw something on paper that they would like to see created.

Sarah's class experimented making invisible ink.  The process itself was pretty simple.  The kids were given two cups: one had a baking soda and water mix, and the other had grape juice.  Using a Q-tip, the kids wrote on the paper using the water and baking soda mix.  After they finished, they had to let it dry a bit before the next step.  Using a cotton swab dipped in the grape juice, the kids rubbed it over the page, revealing their message!  (Tip: make sure you let the baking soda and water mix dry very well, otherwise the grape juice will not work as well to reveal it.)  This link has great step-by-step instructions for how to make your own, as well!

And of course, with such great weather this week after a week of rain and cold weather, we managed to get outside to enjoy it!

And with that, our Tuesday came to a close!  Don't forget to check back for updates on our Saturday club series and our future fun activities!

- Steven

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