Games such as the one pictured above tested your physical strength but also your nerve, as it was not quite as simple as we thought.
Puzzles made from cut-up cereal boxes provided a test of comprehension and patience. Our pictured youth was the night's big prize winner for that game, finishing all three in the fastest time out of all of the youth!
A break from the games was found in the form of alien plants, where the youth could decorate and draw the body on the cup and then a face as well. Seeds were put on the bottom of a stocking and then covered with dirt. It was then tied off and flipped over in the cup, so that the seeds were on top.
The other game was all about patience and hand-eye coordination. The youth had to raise the m&m to their mouth. The two pencils were tied together with string, which was looped around both ears. Pulling the ends of the string brought the pencils closer to the youth's mouth. However, if you didn't pull slowly and evenly, the m&m would fall off the pencils pretty quickly!
It was yet another great family game night, and we are very pleased that Big Brothers Big Sisters continues to partner with us to provide these events for the area youth!
- Steven
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