Monday, November 12, 2018

Friday night was our annual Fall trip to the Pittsburgh Benedum to enjoy the opera, this year, it was Hansel and Gretel. Our Partnership with the Pittsburgh Opera has been ongoing for quite some time now, and it is really a great opportunity for our youth to see what else Pittsburgh has to offer and perhaps discover a new interest that they might not have realized they were into. Even one of our students has performed as an extra in the past. It is nearly impossible not to have a smile on your face when you see the excitement of everyone, even the parents! We are so grateful for this partnership and their generosity with the Brashear Kids through out the years. 

 Each year, we have a prep class called an "Opera Workshop" we have a fabulous instructor, Ms. Marilyn, come in to summarize the performance for the students which includes: a study guide, getting to know the main characters, the history of the writer, its origin, as well as some sound samples from the performers as well as opera house etiquette. 

Hansel and Gretel is originally written by The Brothers Grimm, a famous pair of German writers. The original story is a little darker than the more popular versions that we are familiar with. Engelbert Humperdinck (try saying that one ten times fast!) composed a musical version that was transposed into an opera format that was a little more suitable for younger audiences. 

Despite the cold weather, everyone was all smiles!
Intermission time

Because of a no photography rule and the request of phones being turned off, we weren't able to take any photos during the actual performance. However, if you'd like to see some professional photographs of the performance, you can find them here.

Thank you for all of the parents that showed up to support our Family Opera Night, we hope to see you all again this Spring, and if you weren't able to attend, there's a chance in the Spring time. Performance info TBA.

Happy Veterans Day!


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