Thursday, December 8, 2016

An Sanguine End to a SWSG Season

Hello, dear blog followers. This week we eagerly awaited Wednesday, as our friends from Strong Women, Strong Girls promised us a going away party! The holidays are almost upon us, which means we will have to wait until next year to see our wonderful woman mentors again.

Strong Women, Strong Girls just celebrated their tenth anniversary serving in the Pittsburgh area this year. Their presence is truly essential to our program, and we can see the benefits of the relationship they have with our girls in plentiful ways. At their age, ranging between second and fifth grade, guidance in navigating their increasingly complex social lives and support in fostering camaraderie is extremely important. Young girls need role models to display ambition, self-determination, good self-esteem and positive reinforcement growing up in this world. Their program has been with us at ALEC for a while, but we continue to be in awe of their benefits!

Alas, every season must come to an end, but what a great reason to throw a party. Our Strong Women mentors arrived carrying mysterious boxes and... umm, err, toilet paper? They know how to keep us guessing!

Well, the activity for this day started off with "roses and thorns" as usual, which gives each girl an opportunity to share the good and bad qualities of their days in a supportive environment. Afterwards... we discovered that we would be having a fashion show, featuring designer dresses composed of... you guessed it, the toilet paper! Check out the creativity below:

And finally, to wrap up this long awaited day- our mentors held an award ceremony. Each of our girls, who have grown to have very close relationships with our mentors- were given certificates based on their wonderful personality characteristics and accomplishments. It was a wonderful gesture and you can see how they responded to such a sentiment here:

Thank you, Strong Women, Strong Girls! And thank you, blog enthusiasts, for remaining in the loop of our programming here at ALEC. We appreciate you.

In strength,


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