Monday, July 6, 2015

Food Science: Nutrition Picnic

The last day of Food Science lessons was a special one. The Brashear Kids had a picnic! We had hoped to have our picnic in our new outdoor space, but rain kept us in.

Healthy eating is a major component of the Brashear Association's education programming. We strive to introduce our students to new foods and get them lots of fresh snacks of fruits, vegetables, and other nutritionally-balanced snacks. This picnic built upon our mission and served as a tasty summary of the Food Science lessons of the previous two weeks.

Using some food from the Allentown Learning and Engagement Center's pantry, and a lot more donated by the staff and volunteers of ALEC, the students helped to prepare the different elements of the meal. The students grouped with staff members to follow the recipes for dishes they had chosen the previous day. In just a few chaotic minutes, the dishes came together.

The Brashear Kids helped to prepare a pair of colorful, fresh salads: a garden salad and a fruit salad. There were hot dogs and baked beans, and roasted potato wedges, too. During the course of Food Science, students shared foods that they wanted to try, so I selected an easy one, hummus, for sampling.

The students gathered around our new folding tables and enjoyed the meal they made. Many foods were tried for the first time or graciously refused. We encourage students to try new foods, but ask that they not discourage other students from trying foods by disparaging it. This event was a first for the Brashear Association, but we hope to do more of the same in the future.

- John

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